Article: Gamescom 2017 - 5 Games Played

Gamescom 2017 - 5 Games Played
This year at Gamescom I had the opportunity to test a few games and would like to share my impressions with you. Here are the five titles that stood out the most:
Detroit - Become Human
I'd better start with the title that surprised me the most. I had already seen the trailer for the game during E3 and it already appealed to me. As an android, you arrive in a tastefully furnished but totally devastated apartment. Members of the SWAT unit are buzzing around everywhere and you have to get an overview of the clues and crime scenes. The more you find and deal with them, the higher the chances of getting a completely misguided android off the penthouse roof. Without, of course, harming his hostage - a young girl.
In addition to the great atmosphere, the game mechanism was extremely interesting. To bend down, you didn't have to steer somewhere and then press a button, but you could use the joystick to steer to the right and draw a quarter circle. It might sound banal, but I've never seen that in a game before.
After the demo, I was very excited by the atmosphere and the results of my decisions and would have liked to have taken more time. The game requires time and observation, as every decision the player makes can mean the difference between life and death.
Platform: PS4
Release: 2018

Life is strange - Before the Storm
Unfortunately, I haven't played the predecessor yet, but I saw it as a Let's Play on Gronkh's site. Now I've been able to play a small part of the first episode, which was released on August 31, 2017, and I have to say that I really enjoyed being an active participant.
The style has remained the same, the story now takes place before the first part. We are at a concert as Chloe. We don't have the option of traveling in time and changing events, but we can decide what to do or not to do.
Another title where the player's decisions influence the entire game, and as far as I'm concerned, there can be many more of these to come!
Platform: PC, Xbox One & PS4
Release of Episode 1: Already available, more episodes to follow

Farcry 5
The open world game was what interested me the most, alongside Sea of Thieves (which I unfortunately couldn't play anymore), and let's just say: I wasn't disappointed!
Together with a companion - who you could choose beforehand and no, I didn't take the dog on principle - you find yourself in a small town. As soon as you peek out from under the water tank, you see what the Project at Eden's Gate sect has done. People are being dragged around, abused and shot everywhere. The best time to clean up with the heavy artillery!
The seats were all equipped with 4K monitors, so my opinion of the graphics is somewhat influenced. Nevertheless, the first impression was amazing! I also didn't think the marketing was that bad. During Gamescom, there were always people walking around with signs and a shopping cart, hoping that we would find salvation. Irritating at first, but then pretty funny!
Platform: PC, Xbox One & PS4
Release: February 27, 2017

The card game from The Witcher is already available for everyone to play in the public beta and was also represented at Gamescom this year with its stand. A single-player campaign is currently being worked on, but it was not shown, so you could compete against other visitors as usual.
Gwent is definitely fun and it's one of the few card games that I'm really interested in. The more the Witcher universe grows, the better!
Platform: PC, Xbox One & PS4
Release: Public Beta already open

Uncharted - The Lost Legacy
In the last game, you were thrown into the middle of the action again and found yourself in the Indian jungle. As Chloe Frazer, you are driving a jeep with your colleague Nadine Ross and have to climb a tower. Sounds like a light-hearted task? The number of falls/deaths spoke a different language.
The new Uncharted part takes place after Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and I have to say: I should definitely play the previous parts so that I can get a better reference for this game.
Platform: PS4
Release: Already available