Farthest Frontier Tips - Comprehensive Guide
A new star has risen in the construction game sky: Farthest Frontier! It is currently still in Early Access, but is an absolute success on Steam and Twitch for a reason. Here you will find the most important Farthest Frontier tips to support and improve your gameplay.
The right place for the city center
Finding a good place for your town center is extremely important, so take your time. Farthest Frontier is paused at the beginning and only starts once the town center has been placed.
It is best to place the center in a location with the following criteria:
- flat (otherwise the residents have to spend ages leveling the area and that can take years)
- almost no trees have to be felled on the spot (also takes too long)
- near water
- near food, such as berries and deer
- near resources such as wood and stones
- near ores, clay and sand (not important at the beginning, but later the path is shorter for the workers)
collecting resources
They are the be-all and end-all: resources. At the beginning you need building materials and food. You can select materials using the "Mine resources" button (shortcut H) and the left mouse button so that they are mined. After that, the residents start collecting. But make sure not to select the area too far from the center so that the residents have shorter routes to work.
If you only want to mine a single resource, you can click on it and then have it mined individually. However, this is generally not very efficient and is therefore not recommended.
The best start for productive fields
It's best to start with smaller fields, as they can be enlarged later. Start with 3-4 small fields so that you don't have any problems with crop rotation (see the section on sensible crop rotation and increasing fertility). If you have several small fields, it won't take as long to prepare them and you can grow different types of food at the same time. If one field is attacked by mildew or by voracious wild animals, you at least still have the other fields.
Effective crop rotation and increasing fertility
Once the fields are ready, you can start planning the crop rotation. There are three years that rotate automatically every year for an indefinite period of time if nothing is changed.
To avoid diseases and poor soil, crop rotation should be observed. Crops that place a lot of strain on the soil should never be grown in the same year or two years in a row. These include cabbage, wheat, flax and rye.
The yield of your harvest also depends on fertility. There are several ways to increase this.
Right location
Soil fertility can be influenced right from the start. When you place the fields, fertile and infertile areas are displayed. Of course, the fields should be placed where it is particularly green and therefore the soil fertility is particularly high.
Unfortunately, clover does not produce any yield, but it improves the soil enormously. Peas and beans also improve soil quality.
A compost should be built relatively early near the fields. A person collects the residents' waste and processes it into valuable compost. This can take a few years, however.
clay and sand
Some plant cultures may have more sand or clay incorporated into the soil. To do this, click on the corresponding plant and then you can set the appropriate mixing ratio. Of course, sand and clay must be available for this.
After a few years, the pastures where the cows graze will become more and more fertile. When the fertility is very high, you can relocate the cows and create a field on the former pasture.
increase attractiveness
To upgrade residential buildings, among other things, they need to have a certain level of attractiveness and this is influenced by their surroundings. Certain production buildings, such as tanneries, have a very negative impact and should not be placed directly next to a residential building.
However, there are other buildings that increase attractiveness, such as a school or decorations. Existing buildings can also be upgraded to receive an even greater attractiveness bonus. Parks and statues can also receive this effect through an upgrade.
Cost-effective building implementation
In fact, there is the possibility to move a building in Farthest Frontier! To do this, you just have to click on the building and select "Move building" in the pop-up at the top right. This way, you don't waste resources unnecessarily and only have to invest a small amount.
Repairing dilapidated buildings
After a few years in the game, the buildings gradually fall apart. You can tell this by the half-empty yellow bar above the buildings, next to which there is a tool symbol. Unfortunately, you cannot actively send construction workers to repair the building.
It's best to stop all current expansion and construction work on your buildings, then your workers will have the time and capacity to repair the building. But make sure that you have the necessary materials in stock! Wood and boards are especially necessary for this.
use trading posts
The trading post is extremely important for progressing in the game. Every year in spring and summer, traders come and stay with you for a few days.
In order to sell goods, you must first transport the goods to your trading post. Click on the left red button "Transport" next to the resource and set a number. After confirmation, your traders (you can use up to two, then it goes faster) will start moving and store the desired goods.
As soon as the goods arrive, you can sell them. However, the dealer does not buy or sell everything! The green arrows next to your inventory display (“Your inventory” tab) provide information about this:
- left arrow = dealer only sells this product
- right arrow = dealer only buys this product
- Arrows left and right = Trader buys and sells this product
The same system as with resources also works with currency. To buy something, you first have to have gold transported to the trading post. If, however, you want to use the gold you have just earned from a trader to build buildings, you also have to transfer it. You can do this with the "Gold Transfer" button.
If you have bought goods from the merchant and need them for your village, you will also have to have them transported again. To do this, use the red “Transport” button again.
Farthest Frontier is a very complex construction/strategy game, so it's normal that you need some time to get into it. That's why I hope that these Farthest Frontier tips were able to help you and wish you lots of fun with this gaming gem!