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Winter Japandult in München Plixton

Let's Go - Winter Japandult in Munich

Winter Japandult in München Plixton

Let's Go - Winter Japandult in Munich

At the beginning of December the Winter Japandult took place in Munich and of course I went to it. The great thing about the event is that it brings together creative ideas from Japan and Bavaria ...

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Gaming Shops In New York Plixton 1

4 Gaming Shops In New York

During my last visit to New York, I made it my mission to check out a few shops for gamers. Surprisingly, there weren't that many if you ignore the Gamestop chain, but I still came across a few gr...

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New York Tipps Fuer Nerds Plixton 1

7 New York Tips for Nerds

I recently went to New York and that's why I'm giving you, my dear geeks and nerds, a few tips to suit your taste! 1. Eat American food When do you ever get the chance to eat a real American b...

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Escape game Muenchen Plixton

Escape Game Munich - We Have To Get Out Of Here, But How?

Just a few months ago, I was firmly convinced that I never, ever wanted to visit an escape room. My fear of failure was too great. But surprisingly, my two attempts to escape from the rooms were s...

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Japanfest in Muenchen 1

Japanfest In Munich

After a nerve-wracking half-hour search for a parking space in Munich city center, we finally managed to visit the 22nd Japan Festival in the English Garden last Sunday. To be honest, I only knew a...

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